Friday, 28 June 2024

The Steeple Aston Cope - Angel Playing Lute 🎼🎢


Sorting through all the embroideries that I've done over the years , with a view to framing some of them , I came across this little one . 

I worked on this piece through some difficult years , while my husband was away working abroad . 

I looked forward to the quiet evenings , when the children had gone up to bed , sitting beside the Aga with the dogs at my feet , just doing my embroidery .

It came everywhere with me , in my bag , to pull out and do a little more ,whenever I found a few minutes .

People would ask "Are you going to frame it ? " I never really knew . 

I was just enjoying the doing of it .

Framing is so expensive and to be honest , to my medieval mind anyway , I think this wouldn't look right in a modern frame .

I decided to add the side borders to it as on the original Steeple Aston Cope . Here I am marking it out roughly with simple stitches .

How the memories come flying back to me as I stitch .  I remember that the material I used was just a scrap ! A scrap of upholstery material .

I can even see the selvedge edge on one side of it . I had not planned to embroider all of it , but maybe just the top part of the angel , but little by little I finished it ....well almost .

I remember thinking , how wonderful to make my hands do what those medieval hands did back then and ...could I do that ? 

         I loved every minute of embroidering this little piece ...

                                        and now I am going to enjoy finishing it  .   πŸ€                

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