Monday 22 July 2024

🀍My Steeple Aston Cope Angel - started the second border πŸ•Š️

 No one knew .....I sat propped up on my pillows in bed , doing my embroidery into the small hours last night .

Then today , I completed the cream border on the left hand side and was very relieved to see that I should still have plenty of the lovely cream Silk Mill embroidery thread to finish the border on the other side . 

I really must have an early night tonight my eyes .

Hopefully I'll find some time to make a start on the right hand border tomorrow after daily house chores are done .Laundry out on the line hopefully , if the sun comes out .  Prepare lunch  . Garden also needs tending to ,especially the herb garden .    

Yawn .....yes ..going off for an early night now ....sweet dreams all  🀍🌿✨✨✨


Sunday 21 July 2024

🌿 Sunday Hand Embroidery πŸŒΏπŸ•Š️🌿


  Only a very little bit of Sunday stitching today  . A good start though , on the second border  .


Tuesday 16 July 2024

My Steeple Aston Cope - Angel Playing Lute - hand embroidery - update 🀍🌿


The dark green and cream chevron border is making such a difference . On the original embroidery there is another cream line along the border  , which I hope to do .

I haven't run out of the cream silk embroidery thread just yet .

Yes the back is messy , of course it is , but I am very careful not to waste precious silk threads .


Sunday 14 July 2024

πŸ•Š️ My Steeple Aston Cope Angel on Sweet Horse Playing the Lute - border 🀍


So I found a skein of the perfect slightly darker shade of cream . Lovely Silk Mill silk thread .

            I just hope and pray that I have enough to to do the whole border .

Some quiet time in the Summer house happily stitching , while the boys are watching football this afternoon .  

Friday 12 July 2024

🌿My Steeple Aston Cope Angel Embroidery - stitching the borders πŸ¦‹

 I have finally got going on the border . Doing the chevrons (think they are called chevrons?) along either side . I'm using Silk Mill thread , one thread in the needle .

I am hoping The Silk Mill will re-open again soon , as I'm not sure if I have enough of the cream silk thread to complete the border . 

I have several boxes of silk embroidery threads , but everything is in a muddle after having new windows put in . 
 Been thinking about trying DeVere Yarns embroidery silk threads  . 
 Now that I come to think of it , I might even have some already , tucked away somewhere . I need to have a rummage through it all and you know what that means ....I could get side tracked . 
   I will be deliciously carried away , sorting through my embroidery things and end up playing with vintage dolls or even end up doing patchwork again !


Friday 28 June 2024

The Steeple Aston Cope - Angel Playing Lute 🎼🎢


Sorting through all the embroideries that I've done over the years , with a view to framing some of them , I came across this little one . 

I worked on this piece through some difficult years , while my husband was away working abroad . 

I looked forward to the quiet evenings , when the children had gone up to bed , sitting beside the Aga with the dogs at my feet , just doing my embroidery .

It came everywhere with me , in my bag , to pull out and do a little more ,whenever I found a few minutes .

People would ask "Are you going to frame it ? " I never really knew . 

I was just enjoying the doing of it .

Framing is so expensive and to be honest , to my medieval mind anyway , I think this wouldn't look right in a modern frame .

I decided to add the side borders to it as on the original Steeple Aston Cope . Here I am marking it out roughly with simple stitches .

How the memories come flying back to me as I stitch .  I remember that the material I used was just a scrap ! A scrap of upholstery material .

I can even see the selvedge edge on one side of it . I had not planned to embroider all of it , but maybe just the top part of the angel , but little by little I finished it ....well almost .

I remember thinking , how wonderful to make my hands do what those medieval hands did back then and ...could I do that ? 

         I loved every minute of embroidering this little piece ...

                                        and now I am going to enjoy finishing it  .   πŸ€                

Wednesday 26 June 2024

🌿🀍Framing up my Embroideries πŸ•Š️🌿


Up early to do some work in the garden while it was nice and cool. 

By lunch time it was way too hot for me .So after lunch  I spent a couple of hours in the summer house framing up a couple of my embroideries .

I thought you might be interested to see how I am doing it .

 After I have done this , I will stich a piece of cotton fabric to cover the back .

                 πŸ€  Here's my little Seraphim  🀍

                     Silk threads on Ecclesiastical brocade .  

And crewel wool on linen ,  the Anglo-Saxon Trumpington Cross  .

Been busy in my vegetable garden . It has been so hot here on the Lizard . My hands rough from pulling weeds .

I won't be doing any embroidery with silk for a while . Need to do some serious hand pampering first .


Friday 21 June 2024

Been taking a break


I'm busy in the garden right now and my hands are sore from pulling weeds , sowing seeds , building bean frames and planting vegetable starts . 

                                 Hopefully , I'll be back soon !

Monday 3 June 2024

🌿Honey bee 🐝


I'm really busy in the vegetable garden at the moment , only had time to stitch another bee .

                                             πŸ    Honey bee 🌿     (sort of  .... 🀣)


Friday 31 May 2024

🌿Bumble Bee 🐝


                                         I had to put in a Bumble Bee  🐝