Saturday, 25 March 2023

The Mermaid's Sea Weedy Hair


                      Listening to lovely music , I sat stitching quite late into the evening .

I had been working on her tail last weekend and on and off during this week and I know it doesn't look like I,ve done very much of it , but it turns out to be quite tricky . Choosing the many different shades and tones of green and seeing how they work against each other . Like you , I am seeing it unfold for the first time before my eyes .

Making it up as I go along .

                          So I thought I'd give some attention to her sea weedy hair .

Sorry about these dark pictures but this room is very poorly lit with just one very energy saving candle .

The Music mood I'm in -

Sam Lee - Lay This Body Down

Eivor - Remember Me

Phillipe Jarousky - Ombra mai fu 

Sami Yusuf - One (live at the Holland Festival )

Yusuf/Cat Stevens - Take the World Apart ( Official Lyric Video ) ..with the sweetest artwork !


 I'll try and take some better photos later on , when the sun comes out . 

              Have yourself a beautiful weekend .



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