Sunday, 26 March 2023

Sunday and the Sun came out


Another breezy day. We have had some heavy showers again over night , but the Sun is shining now .

Did you remember to put the clocks forward last night ?  I never wear a watch , I don't need one .It doesn't matter one bit to me . I get up just before the Sun rises and go to bed when I feel tired . I no longer have to get people up for school or work . Freedom !  I live and breathe in tune with Mother Earth .

So with better light , I can show you a little more clearly , our mermaid . 

It seems that she is now telling me what she wants . 

I didn't want to make her hair golden , just greeny browns . 

      I  stitched with a dark brown thread and she looked angry .

In the poor light of my candle I plied my needle with a sandy colour thread . 

In the light of day this very morning , I saw that I had used a very bright yellow , such as I would never have chosen .  It works !

                                            I'm telling you , she chose it !  And it works !  

                                                            Mullion Harbour  

                                Wishing you a peaceful Sunday and a great week ahead .  


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Robin and me - the robin's eye 🌿