Monday, 20 February 2023

The Tide went out


         I'm still here ... in case anyone was wondering . I was just tidying , reorganising and sorting through all my needlework stuff . 

To be honest , the tide of creativity went out and I feel like I am walking bare feet on the wet sand .

                       Here's a little owl I stitched from a medieval illumination .

                                                   I just had to stitch him ! 

So now I'm just waiting for the tide to come in .

Meanwhile I'm just tidying , reorganising and sorting   .


  1. It's the time of years to have a good sort out, it's a great feeling once it is done, your tide will come back and then you can enjoy crafting again.

    1. Good morning Poppy 💐Thankyou for popping in .Yes I hope so . I'm also very busy out in the garden at the moment ..hard work , but I enjoy that too🌞x


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Robin and me -🤍🌿