Saturday, 31 December 2022

Embroidery Calendar Wheel /memory cloth 2022 - Finished


Well time is almost up on finishing this . I keep thinking of more things I would like to add to it .

I am going to stitch a tiny black ribbon over the little door to September . This was when we heard the sad news of the Queen's passing .  Someone asked me what was under the little flap for September . Well before we heard about the Queen , I had sat and watched the Artemis Space Rocket " Countdown" I was very excited about it and thought that it was important enough to fill the whole month block with my embroidery of it !

It didn't take off , due to hydrogen leaks and then lightning and then Hurricane Ian , at which point it was wheeled back into the garage .

It did eventually take off and successfully completed it's mission , I lost interest and missed it's successful lift off  which for us in the U.K was in the middle of the night or very very early morning . I didn't want to unpick all my work and I thought I'd keep it as a memory anyway .

I did watch the re-entry and splash down to Earth later on .

I wasn't able to stitch as many things as other people in the Facebook group "Stitching A Round" but the things that I have stitched will certainly bring back memories both sad and happy . 

I struggled with having to stitch sad memories but felt it important to include them too . 

It was with very heavy heart and sadness I had to record Putin's War . I stitched this with black embroidery thread . Ukraine is in my prayers . 

Happy memories of the village coming together in March , after all the difficult time of Covid , the rope being passed around to encircle the church with our love and prayers and song .

Flora Day !

Seeing a mother Chough feeding her chicks along the cliffs .

Archery ! Wow ! Discovering that I can shoot an arrow from a bow (with my left hand )and hit the middle ...several times ! I had a really good teacher !

Growing a Sunflower from seed with my little Grand daughter .

A great harvest from my vegetable garden .

The joys of all the festivities of the Queen's Platinum 70 years on the throne and then the sadness of her passing in September .

That one heck of a heat wave , the children catching chicken pox , us having covid and flu vaccines .

Our first time away since the Covid Lockdown  just this month . We are still wearing protective face masks and keeping away from crowded places .  

  How things have changed , my faith , family and friends I have sadly lost .

  I feel like I have no-one  . The whole world has changed .

So many memories , and there were so many more than I had time to record on my memory cloth . 

The wonders we saw in the night sky . Going out after dark to watch the International Space Station float by. The Milky Way and shooting stars , the Moon and all the beautiful constellations . The Universe .

                         I wish you all a Healthy , Happy and Peaceful New Year  2023 .

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