Sunday, 27 November 2022

Embroidery Calendar Wheel Sep-Oct-Nov


Sorry about the long disappearance  . I'm still here !  

Oh my goodness , so where were we ?

So on the 2nd September I was very excited about the NASA Space rocket Artemis launch . I have fond memories of the Apollo Moon Mission 1969 .

Artemis was going to send it's capsule Orion around the back of the moon and send back pictures of the side that we have never seen .

(Orion was also the name of my husband's rock group back in the 70's . He thinks it was pretty cool that they'd named the space capsule after them ! lol ! )

I had sat down with my cup of tea , needle and piece of cloth  and was going to really enjoy the whole countdown to "we have lift off " thing . 

I thought that this was going to be such an important thing  that I should fill the whole of the September slot up with this embroidery and I would really make it my best stitching .

However , the launch was beset with problems , hydrogen leaks and then storm clouds ,lightning and then Hurricane Ian .  

It was rolled back into the garage to take shelter and for repairs .... sigh .

On 8th September the Queen died .

It was all such a very , very sad time and my needle became frozen .

Everyone on the Stitching A Round group were embroidering the most beautiful things in sweetest memory of her . 

I was just stuck frozen .  The funeral in London was so so moving . Her passing really affected me .

So I still have not finished this and didn't know what to do . 

I have stitched this little door to go over Artemis . 

                           So I am still working on this .

October then flew by . It was a month of tumbling leaves and toadstools .

I am still working on the month of October  .

This is all I am stitching for November and quite rightly so .

Almost December ...with all that is going on in the world out there , I don't feel like Christmas and haven't put the decorations up yet . 

I also had my little Fat Face handbag stolen , with my tiny patchwork project in , liberty print hexies , needlework supplies, book and precious scissors's a long story ... I am trying to get over this ...but now I feel like I can't get going with my patchwork ...and it is the thing that helps me feel happy and calm .

I make miniature patchwork quilts for antique and vintage dolls house dolls .

                                     Sometimes the dolls help me .

Would you like to see more of my dolls ?

My lovely daughter bought me another little bag , so maybe I,ll try again in the new year .


  1. I love your wheel, I am thinking about starting one for next year. So annoying when you lose your beloved crafting tools.


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🌿Robin and Me 🤍🌿