Friday, 2 December 2022

Embroidery Calendar Wheel - December but still stuck in September !


.....and I'm still working on SEPTEMBER  !  I couldn't just leave it like that and decided to embroider the Imperial State Crown and the flowers of the Queen's funeral wreath .

The flowers were chosen by Prince Charles selected from the Royal Palace gardens and every flower and leaf had a special symbolism . Roses , Oak leaves , Rosemary , Lavender and Pittosporum . It must have had the sweetest fragrance too .

The Crown - I sketched it slightly bigger than the one I did before back in May/June and it will have more detail in it and will take me a lot longer to embroider .

I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew , but I will try and keep calm and carry on !

So many jewels on that crown . It is never going to be perfect , but hopefully just give an impression of it, with maybe some of the main precious stones marked out in there . 

I sketched it on freehand with a pencil and then stitched over the rough outline of it with a single white DMC thread .

I am now going to stitch over these guide-lines  and as I have already said , I am not aiming for perfection here . I must try and keep it fairly simple . It is just my " memory cloth " .

Memories of that sad funeral come flooding back . We really did love our Queen .

Queen Elizabeth II  

I still have to sew on the little door to cover over the Artemis Rocket Fail . It did eventually take off and they successfully sent the Space Capsule Orion around the other side of the Moon without anyone in the driving seat .  I might stitch that in later on , but for now ... I have lost interest in it and have Christmas to prepare for now , which is starting to take up a lot of my time . 

      Husband says he wants the Christmas tree up right next to his arm chair even though it would look much better over the other side of the room ......

That old sea chest is my needlework box by the way . I'll show you inside it one day ! ..but that's his armchair , his place where he sits and watches the t.v. through the branches of the Christmas tree .

Silly sausage !

                    He always wins and I know it brings back childhood memories for him .

 So there it is . Can't see lovely ship painting behind it now too ! 

I just have to put he star on top  . I hoped he wouldn't notice that I hadn't put up the fairy lights to save on the electricity bill .....but notice he did ! 

I will do the fairy lights tomorrow !  Can you tell I'm not feeling the Christmas spirit just yet ?

I might make a Holly Wreath tomorrow , all the lovely fresh Holly and Pine fragrance will probably switch on my Christmas Happiness button .

It might even put me in the mood to write all the Christmas cards ....sigh ....

Have you put up your Christmas tree yet ?

I will embroider a little bit more of the Crown and listen to some soothing Chopin .

 I might even have a little gentle dance  . I'm feeling happy , just not "Christmas Happy" yet  . 

Feeling nice and relaxed and calm . Good night  x  

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