Monday, 9 May 2022

Putin's War- 9th May

 The other thing that is slowing me down on this little project is I am constantly thinking that I can't stitch  just the happy things going on in my life . 

It would not be right .

 How can I ignore and not record the horrors that are being done to a country that was that was up until February living like me , a happy and peaceful life ?

Ordinary people just getting on with their simple ordinary lives . Enjoying the simple little pleasures , similar to the happy little things that I am recording on my embroidered calendar wheel . 

Such sorrow .... I decided to stitch a little of it on the outer edge of my embroidered cloth . Just very simply in black .  I am choked up with tears with what I am seeing on the news . 

I have no words .  

Mothers are weeping .


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