Saturday, 5 March 2022

Gool Peran lowen onen hag an oll !


To celebrate the feast of St Piran , I made myself a new little pin cushion .

Oh ! St Piran is the Patron Saint of Cornwall .

I had a few tiny scraps of linen that I didn't want to waste .

Also I really have to stop my bad habit of holding needles and pins between my lips .

The white Cross on the black background represents the tin that streaks through the hard black granite .

I attached my copper scissors on a nice long and strong ribbon . 

Folk always associate Cornwall with tin , but copper was also mined and in great demand back in the day .

St Piran is the Patron Saint of Cornwall .

    Gool Peran lowen onen hag oll !   Happy St Piran's Day one and all !

I'm in between projects at the moment , and just doing little bits and bobs of embroidery to keep my hands busy while I think about my next bigger project .

I joined a group called Stitching A Round  and it is all about making an embroidered wheel type calendar . I joined it rather late and have been very busy trying to catch up . 

I thought it such a lovely idea , to embroider one tiny icon every day into the pie slice of every month and have a beautiful record of the year at the end .

Someone suggested using a fabric pen , but I didn't have one and couldn't wait to get started and so I just used a pencil . Pencil is fine ! 

I had to find a suitable font for the months and it took me ages and ages to stitch the months of the year all around this basic wheel . 

I most often embroider with crewel wool and hadn't really taken into consideration how it might be to stitch such small icons with this . I decided to use DMC embroidery cotton thread to stitch the icons .

So here are my first offerings ! I still have a couple more icons to go into January and March .

I have also decided to only do not more than three or four icons for each month of the year . This will be more manageable for me to achieve .

             I am praying for happier days to be recorded on it  πŸ•Š Praying for peace . 

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