Saturday, 19 March 2022

Clypping - Our village needs a hug ! - St Mellanus Church - Mullion


On Mothering Sunday  everyone in the village is invited to come and join in with the medieval tradition of Clypping  . We will come and encircle the Church . The belief is that if the circle is complete , the Church and the village will then be kept safe for that year  .

There will be a Mothering Sunday Service afterwards . . . . and Simnel Cake  !

I think it is a lovely happy idea ! 

 I didn't think there would be anything more that was happy to add to my embroidered calendar wheel for the month of March ....sigh .... so I was delighted to be able to add this .

 I am embroidering it outside the wheel , as I only allowed for three or four little icons inside each month .

It is not the most accurate embroidery of St Mellanus Church , lol ! I know , not in the least , but I will change it as I begin to stitch it a bit more . 


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