Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Mazaltov's Smithsonian Institution Window crewel pillow - Feb update


I'm still stitching away on this vintage kit . Worrying that there might not be enough of this crewel wool to finish the orange Chrysanthemums .

At least I have decided to call them Chrysanthemums and I am dedicating them to  Thich Nhat Hanh , who sadly passed away last week aged 95 .  Vietnamese Buddhist monk . If you don't know of him , then do look up his name on the internet . Beautiful person who will be sadly and greatly missed .

Orange Chysanthemums were Thay's favourite flowers.

It is strange how I was saving them until last and had only just started stitching them when I heard that he had passed .

I followed all of the 8 day memorial and ceremonies , it was very sad , but beautiful and quite moving .

His casket was covered in beautiful Orange Chrysanthemums and on either side of the vehicle  were two of his most memorable quotes -

"A cloud never dies   ๐ŸŒฆ  "      " I have arrived ....I am home  ๐Ÿงก "

So now ,  I am certainly stitching these flowers with a whole lot more mindfulness  .

I certainly needed to concentrate doing these "knots on stalk stitches ". Every stitch seems to be using so much of this precious wool  ..or maybe it just seems like that ,because I fear I will run out of it !

            There are four of these to be done . I'm getting there !

I really hope that I can finish them without having to go and match up  more from my cupboard .


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