Sunday, 20 March 2022

Sunday stitching - Clypping - St Mellanus Church -Mullion Embroidery


Making progress with my little  St Mellanus Church of Mullion embroidery . I have been enjoying sitting here at the desk in our study , listening to a bit of Bob Marley .

So I put a few of my progress pics together for you to see . 

I have enjoyed embroidering this . I used a plain old regular pencil to sketch the bare bones of the church, then just "needle-painted " the rest by eye . It is not perfect , but I think it's o.k. for my embroidered calendar wheel 2022 .

 Deciding which gold thread for the Vicar's Cross . I am also not sure if the vicar will wear red ?                               
I am stitching this in advance of the big day , next Sunday .  Mullion's first ever Clypping , which will be Mothering Sunday  .

I hope more people turn up for it than I have stitched here, because we have to completely encircle the Church !  
I might even embroider some more people into this .....hmm...not sure ...time to get dinner ready .
        That's all for now folks ! Hope you are having a beautiful Sunday .

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