Saturday, 25 September 2021

Luna Lapin for my Mum - shoes done


After all the hard work in the garden yesterday , I decided to have a more restful weekend . 

I thought I'd crack on and make Luna's shoes . I found some nice scraps of felt in two tones of turquoise and  just enough for a pair of little shoes .

When I put in my order from Coolcrafting  for Luna's body felt , eye and arm joint buttons , I completely forgot to add a couple of Luna Shoe Buckles . So I had a look through my buttons and beads and found a couple of cheerful smiley beads  that I thought might go well with her dress .

I also found a sweet little dolphin . Not sure what I 'll do with him yet , but I like him and have put him to one side for the time being .

I made the shoe with the pattern in the Making Luna Lapin book , but then stitched it slightly differently . I added another strap which I only stitched down on one side of the shoe  so it would just stick out a little bit at the sides . I top stitched all around the shoe straps and along the edges on the upper most parts of the shoes .
 I used tiny embroidery blanket stitch around the soles of the shoes .
 Then sewed on the pink smiley button/beads , one on the side of each shoe , as buckles .

I found some elastic and threaded it through the casing of Luna's French Knickers . A couple of little stitches to close the casing and they were finished .

Then the big moment , to try them on and see if they fit . 
Hooray ! They fit ! 

I stitched another fluffy bob-tail onto the back of Luna's dress . She does have another one stitched on under her clothes .... her real one . 

                          Luna is very proud of her fluffy bobtail .
Luna says that she loves her new shoes .

I really wanted to have this finished soon , as I have other things that I want to do ....but Luna now says she needs a cross-body bag  ..... sigh ..... o.k. maybe tomorrow !  :)

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