Sunday, 21 February 2021

Little Wooden Doll - is making a Patchwork Quilt - Quilting

 A parcel arrived for Little Wooden Doll !  It was the quilt wadding from Billow Fabrics . It is a new kind of wadding made from a mixture bamboo and cotton . New to me anyway ! It is perfect for our tiny patchwork quilt . Very , very thin , so the quilt will drape nicely on the bed .

We could have used flannel or even not used any wadding at all in such a small quilt , but Little Wooden Doll says she wants it to be nice and cosy and warm .

It is just perfect , so we pressed the patchwork top and the backing fabric with the iron and layered it up with the wadding . A pretty sandwich !

Then pinned it all together . Tip-  You can use safety pins for this ! I usually use little safety pins , then I can roll it up and pop it into my handbag , to stitch a little bit whenever I have an odd moment . I could not find my little safety pins .

Little Wooden Doll begins to quilt it all together . 

I do hope you are enjoying this Little Wooden Dolly Patch-working interlude !

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