Friday, 19 February 2021

Little Wooden Doll makes a Patchwork Quilt


There are lots of scraps of cotton fabric to choose from in the basket . Little Wooden  Doll chooses cheerful reds and creamy pinks and a little bit of green .

                                         She sews the squares into rows .

                                  Then she sews all the rows together .

Little Wooden Doll is pleased with the pattern it makes .

 She sews on some nice red cotton sashes and a little nine patch block at each corner . 

Then she stitches on four more sashes to surround it all and bring it up to the right size for the bed .
  I have ordered some quilting wadding  and we have to now wait for the postman to deliver it , hopefully in a few days time .
 Meanwhile I will begin making the new mattress and pillows . 
Hope you are enjoying this little interlude from embroidery !  

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