Sunday, 9 February 2020

Divine Love upon the Wheel -Hildegard von Bingen - Stormy Sacred Sunday

There is a wild storm raging here , it was a very windy night and forecast to be continuing on into much of today and tomorrow .
 Cosy and warm in my bed last night , listening to it howling away while I stitched away into the small hours .

 Yesterday morning was so beautiful calm and the sun was shining up in a beautiful blue sky .We took a walk down the lane to see the snowdrops and violets (see my other blog ) I brought in a pile of wood for the fire .
 We were glad to have made the most of such a lovely morning before the sky became dark and it all changed !

 So I took up that beautiful coral crewel wool and filled in the centre and the lines below God's hand .
                                          I knew it would make it sing !

                 I treated myself to some new gold-plated chenille needles !
Just because they are so beautiful and I need to feel like a Princess every now and then !

1 comment:

  1. It's looking beautiful . . . and just the thing to do in front of a bright fire when the weather is atrocious!


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Lucky Red Fish