Sunday, 26 January 2025

Of Sea Monsters , Ships and Mermaids


                                  Oh ! These dark and dreary , stormy winter days ! 

....and the last few days here in the U.K. have been particularly stormy and cold .

 I have Sweet Peppers and Passion flower seeds germinating on my bedroom windowsill  and in the surrounding fields of Cornwall the daffodils are beginning to bloom . Spring will soon be here , the flowers know !

While the wind is rattling the roof tiles , rain lashing against the windows .... 

I am snuggled up on my bed with two hot-water bottles , a bundle of wool and another fishy project on the go . 

It is another piece for a family history project I'm working on . This fish is from an antique sea-faring map . It is slightly different to the last one I was working on , which turned out lovely , but too much like a koi carp .

 Hopefully the colours I've chosen this time will be more suitable . 

I may not fill it all in this time . Maybe just do the outline . 

I'll just go with the flow and see what happens . 



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