Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Embroidery Calendar Wheel - update

Trying to catch up .The vegetable garden has been priority and life has been pulling me down .

However after hurting my back again , moving a ton of logs from the old woodshed into the front porch ,  because the old workshop and woodshed is going to be pulled down and a new one built in a couple of weeks time and everything has to be cleared out of there ..... I am having a couple of rest days, before continuing with clearing . I still have to take out the pallets that the logs had been stacked on .I should be able to just "wheel" them out and put them to one side .  We will be re-using them in the new woodshed . 

So now reclining on the old sofa in the summer house , I have picked up the embroidery wheel calendar journal project once again and I'm looking to see where I'm up to with it .

I am so far behind  ! I quickly stitched in the big hot heatwave sun for July , but looking back to June I couldn't think what on earth the little pencil sketch  I'd done was ?

I checked in my little note book of ideas for the embroidered icons .. but it was not much help !

Husband said it looked like a space ship and it is true that I do like to wave to the space station as it  glides over us in the evening , but it doesn't look like that ! 

No idea what it could be ....how frustrating . So we are just over half of the year stitched and now I feel stuck . 

                                   " Now where's my marmalade sandwich  ? "

...... and then I remembered !  It's Paddington ! He had gone to Buckingham Palace to have tea with the Queen !  

 I also stitched in the Union Jack flag flying in the breeze . Very fiddly to embroider and important not to stitch it upside down ! 

            " Anyone for a cup of tea ? " and " Would you like a marmalade sandwich ma'am ? "


  1. I love this and have been looking on Pinterest, I think I am going to do a wheel for 2022, so a late start, just deciding what is worthy in the first 6 months of this year.

    1. Hi Poppy , Yes go for it ! πŸ˜„ Go take a look at "Stitching A Round " on Facebook , it's a really nice group and people are doing really amazing calendar wheels with lots of tiny icons . It is hard to decide what to put onto it . Life is both happy and sad .Maybe I think too much and should keep it light but I felt I had to be honest and include the situation unfolding in Ukraine . Some people are keeping it simple though...like simply embroidering the wild flowers throughout the year , which is a lovely idea and I might do that next year .


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🌿Robin and Me 🀍🌿