Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Of Ships and Mermaids - part two


So I'm working on my little mermaid again . Yes ..mermaids are occasionally seen here in the waves around Mullion . Sitting on the rocks  , admiring themselves in coral mirrors that glint in the sun and combing their long sea-weedy hair .

I unpicked the dark outline that I had stitched around the Moon ..... but ....I am thinking of taking out the Moon altogether .  Be gone Moon !  

Maybe do another Moon . Bigger , brighter , better ! More stars !  

I stitched a dark green outline over her right hip/thigh , top of her beautiful fishy tail  .

The star ....hmmm ...I'll keep the star but I think I could improve on that , just a little bit  .

Her coral mirror - I need to finish .

 ........ Shall she have a crown ?  A pearl necklace ?  What do you think ?

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