Sunday, 2 February 2020

Divine Love upon the Wheel Hildegard von Bingen Relaxing Sunday Stitching

 Sacred Sunday relaxing stitching time .
    I filled in between those blue petals , using long and short stitch . Starting from the outer edge shading from light to dark , but trying to capture the mysterious dark shapes at the base of the petals .
     These shapes vaguely resemble birds or maybe fleur de lis or maybe are just dark shadows , but still I tried to get them right .

I put in the thin yellow bands at the bottom and then decided to work on the background .
Those are just what I call anchoring stitches , they will give support to the stitches which I will work over the top of them , going the other direction .
 All of the areas which I have completed so far which look in appearance to be white , are actually off white and the background is slightly darker still almost oatmeal . This is because I want that band of God's love pouring down , to be brilliant white and to really stand out . Even God's hand is not quite as brilliant white as this band between the black outlines . The painting is quite deliberate in it's illumination technique and I think it is wonderful ! 


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