Sunday, 23 February 2020

Bayeux Tapestry Fun 2

 I get tingles down my spine as I begin to work that iconic Point de Bayeux  or Bayeux Tapestry Stitch .
 Does any body else get that feeling ?
  It was designed that the thread is not wasted when filling in large areas of the design , because the thread does not pass over the back of the linen .
  The wool was precious then , being hand spun and dyed .. and it is expensive to buy today , sometimes quite hard to find too .
 If you're interested , I did talk about how to do this in an earlier post . Here's the link to it  -

 The Bayeux Tapestry stitch seems to go fast !
  I might be wrong and it's just my own thought on it  , but as I stitch  , I get feeling the Bayeux Tapestry was stitched fast  .

I have embroidered a small area of  King Harold's face , I have penciled in his moustache , but decided to leave it until last , as I feel I want to get to know my good King before all the blood begins to run down his face .
 It is thought that the next character who is being struck down with an axe by a knight on horseback , is also Harold and I am wondering if the character before this standing next to the knight holding the Dragon Banner about to throw a spear , might also be Harold ? So we see the whole sequence unfolding .


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