Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Sea Inspired Meditation Embroidery - a new block

                     A week passes and the weather is still wild out there !
          We wrapped ourselves up and ventured out for a walk and to get some fresh air into our lungs . . . but we could hardly stand up in the wind  so we sat in the car and watched the waves for a while .

           I have begun lighting the fire occasionally now in the evenings .

I decided to begin another piece of embroidery , another block , which will be added to my other sea inspired crewel embroidery .

 It is a Daisy-Wheel , a symbol of protection from evil , often found carved into the wooden beams of old cottages ; also on the walls and doors of medieval churches .

Unfortunately my camera hasn't really captured the rich purple shade that I have chosen ....or maybe it is the lamp light which has given it a yellowy tint .

We popped into Tesco's Cafe where I enjoyed a hot chocolate and stitched a bit more of it .....the light isn't very good in there....much better in Sainsbury's where I can sit beside the window .

                      Then I did a little more at bedtime , before sleep again  .
                    Those two bundles are my hot-water-bottles .

                                        Actually I did quite a lot more .

    Here are the other two strips that I have been slowly working away on  .
I have pretty much prepared everything now for Christmas . Cards and gifts written , wrapped and sent . I have a Christmas tree up and a few other decorations , but not as much as I usually do .
I do love Christmas , but I'm trying not to get all worried about it all .... which I usually do .
Embroidery is very calming for me .
The colours I am working with , are deliberately not Christmas colours  .
       I,m stitching myself calm .

                    I thought I,d begin the purple outer ring before sleep .

 I was listening to Classic FM which was playing such beautiful Christmas music
that I didn't notice the time .

                                I even filled in between the petals !
It looks pink , but actually it is a pale shade of blue .
Once again the camera hasn't quite caught the colours correctly in my bedside lamp light .
Hopefully it will look better with the other pieces that I am dreaming in my mind to do .

 We are on an Amber weather warning for the next few days ....but it seems to be coming up from the south so it is not too cold ......

                       ...........and I,ve seen far bigger waves than this !

 We drove down to Poldhu to watch the Starlings coming in to roost in the reeds .

                             They put on such a magnificent show !

      Drifting together in ever changing shapes so beautiful and then suddenly dropping into the reeds and they sound so cheerful too .
     It is great to watch them .

                           Then home for tea and to light the fire again .
                        The wind is still howling , but should ease up later .
                              Hope it's not too bad where you are !

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