Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Whittling Wooden Needles - Cornish Hedgerow Craft

 Aah ....a beautiful sunny morning , my laundry hanging out on the washing line and we have our little dog back home . She is much better , three pots of tablets to be disguised and given with her food ..there will be another check up next week...but she has stopped being sick and stopped trembling ..the tail is wagging again !
  So I,ve been out walking , climbing and scrabbling through our beautiful Cornish hedgerows . Looking for some nice long sharp thorns to have a go at making my own sewing needles .

I managed to collect a good handful of thorns mainly from the Hawthorn or May Tree and a few from the Sloe bushes .
 I found a beautiful nest which must have blown down in the recent storm .

"Was it your nest little Robin ?"

 I spent a very relaxing and therapeutic evening , peeling the bark  and cutting the eye into the top of the needle .

             This is my first attempt . I am waiting for a needle file to arrive in the post , to just smooth it off....but am quite pleased with it as it is already .
Yes , it is only the eye of the needle that needs to be smoothed and perfected a little bit more , but it is already quite useable  .
 I made a few more , the thorn wood is quite hard and I think it will dry out even stronger still . The tip of this needle is very sharp , perfect for my crewel embroidery .  Just for fun , I will try it out and let you know how it goes .

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