Monday 23 October 2023

Anglo -Saxon Cross Embroidery - still plodding on with it !


It's raining on and off , not too windy . We are having new windows put in over the next few days .

So I have gathered a few things together and am camping out in the summerhouse ; away from all the chaos .

Continuing on with this little embroidery of the Trumpington Cross , a stunningly beautiful golden pectoral Cross , set with cut garnets , that archaeologists found in an 7th century Anglo-Saxon bed burial of a teenage girl  in a village on the outskirts of Cambridge .

The Cross is on display at the Cambridge University's Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology .

Having three days of blissful solitude all to myself  , I should be able to concentrate and hopefully do a fairly good job of it .  I love the simple earthiness of Anglo-Saxon artwork and design .
 I filled in all the garnets including the large one in the centre and and continuing to wrap the "gold"stem stitches that I worked in the beginning . In my last post I think I said I was couching , but actually what I am doing is more "wrapping" than couching . The above picture shows better how I am working .

It is quite simple stitching really , I'm deciding how to do it as I go . 

Some of the garnets are missing revealing the gold foil that was laid beneath them . I have stitched those spaces with the gold thread.  It's not completely accurate but I am enjoying seeing it as it appears before my eyes I take stitch after stitch  🌿🌿🌿

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