Thursday, 22 December 2022

Embroidery Calendar Wheel -Of Ships and Mermaids - December update


                                                Splashdown  ...not quite finished .

So I missed the Artemis take off , as it was in the small hours and I couldn't wake myself for it , but I did watch it's space capsule "Orion"come back to Earth .

Next time there will be people inside it !

 So then we had an incredible hail storm , Such as I have never seen before . Many places had snow .

It came down as hail here ....I went outside to take pictures of it . It was not graupel which is a soft kind of hail , but hard proper hail hurt ...there was thunder and lightning ...I came in again fast !

It settled quite thickly , then during the afternoon began to thaw . Then froze again over-night , turning the lawn , drive and lane into an ice skating rink .

All a bit worrying as we had planned to get away for a few days fossil hunting in Dorset .We thought we'd never get the car out of the drive , but we eventually made it out and off up our frozen lane . Thankfully the main roads had been gritted .

Further up country we passed beautiful snowy places .

We haven't been away since before the Covid thing started . It all felt very weird .

So we stomped up the beach about half way up towards the Golden Cap , normally I'm the one that goes on too far ahead and finds bones , this time husband went further and had better finds than me. He was really enjoying himself .

 I only found a few tiny ammonites and I was so , so cold I wanted to get back to the car .

I so enjoyed fish,n,chips in Bridport Morrisons !  

Anyway , to cut a long story short we came home earlier than planned  and I half heartedly put up the Christmas tree .

We had Expertrees  , the best tree surgeon team in Cornwall come and coppice all our hedgerows .

We heard that there have been several sightings of a Humpback Whale breaching at Penzance and here around the Lizard .

                                Of course , us Mullion folk , we all know it was a mermaid  !

 I decided to embroider "I saw three ships come sailing in " a popular Christmas Carol  . 

I'm thinking HMS Victory , Cutty Sark and our family ship The Flower of the Fal  .

                                     Turns out , I can't draw ships ! 

I'm still working on it . Wishing you all Peace this Christmas and a Happier New Year 2023 .


  1. So lovely! You are amazing ❤️Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ⛄️❄️✨

    1. Thankyou . Thankyou ever so much . Christmas blessings and a hug for you x


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Robin and Me - Gool Peran Lowen !