Monday, 21 January 2019

Laying the Front Lawn and the Blood Moon Eclipse

Hello everyone... I haven't been posting for a while , this is due to our little dog being poorly , a bit of a worrying time . She's 16 years old ..maybe a bit more..but a good age for a Jack Russel....she hasn't been well over Christmas and New Year and last week had a couple of seizures ... she seems to have stabilised again now although maybe a little bit confused .
  We're taking one day at a time and every day is a precious and happy day .

   I have still been doing my few stitches every day though . It would be very boring for you if I put my progress on every day though wouldn't it ?
 I will be showing you some other things I,m working on along the way .

 The roof was a bit gruelling , since I felt that I had to do every single roof tile !

There are still a few tiles to do !  So much easier to stitch a thatch roof ...I will show you another embroidery that I did years ago of another cottage where we lived in Mullion .

                 An Grouse Cottage as it looked while my family lived there .
                                 An Grouse - Cornish for - The Cross
It was Grade 2 listed and the windows also had a separate listing, anyway we had to replace some of them and had to have them specially made by a carpenter expert in making these historical windows was months before the windows were finished and given there final coat of paint because of a pair of very beautiful but cheeky Magpies who kept coming and pecking out the putty in the frames !!
 Anyway , as I was saying , thatch is much easier to embroider .

                 So now I,m laying the front lawn ....long and short stitch .
I was up very early this morning to see the Blood Moon Eclipse 4am was a lovely clear sky and beautiful thing to have seen . I,m so glad I managed to get myself up and out to see it . Sadly my camera didn't pick up the red . While I was watching a huge meteorite fell below the moon , I wonder if anyone else saw or captured that on camera ?..No it happened too fast for my poor old camera , zooming in and out trying to focus !


  1. Love the embroideries of the cottages.
    I saw the moon but not the meteorite though.

    Julie xxxx

    1. Thankyou ever so much Julie for your kind comment and apologies for having only just seen it , I don't seem to have been notified ...I will look into it ,maybe something I,ve not done correctly in settings :) Hope you are well and wishing you all the best for year 2020 love Debbie x

  2. I love this project and it has such a personal meaning to you. How lucky to have seen the blood moon too!

    1. Hello Catherine , Thankyou also for your kind comment and once again, no idea why I didn't get a notification in my email box ,sincere apologies as I really do like to reply to everyone who so kindly takes time to send me a message .Hugs Debbie :) x


I always enjoy hearing from you and always do my best to reply .

Of Sea Monsters , Ships and Mermaids