Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Preparing to use my silk embroidery threads

The time has come that I want to use my silk embroidery thread ....the thing is , it is so slippery smooth and delicate that I am trying not to handle it too much .
 It will snag very easily if not handled with extreme care .  They do need a bit of discipline !
It is a completely different animal to the cotton embroidery threads !!!
   I have gathered a small collection of these beautiful silk skeins and up until now I have wrapped them in tissue and stored them in these Tupperware boxes .
 Now that I want to use them , it would be a better idea to have them out and  cut into lengths ready to use .  I have heard that these pasta racks are a good way to do this .

                                      Wood-work is not really my thing !

     After an hour or so ...but the dowels do not overhang the ends quite like in the picture on the box !  grrrr !

                                             The picture on the box !

 Anyway !....The dowels feel smooth to me , but the silk did not slide on as I had hoped . So I wrapped the dowels in tissue and twisted the ends .

                                                ......and this works !

                            I cant wait to use my silk embroidery threads .

 I have some other makes and some gorgeous antique ones ..I will show you next time ...but these beauties are from The Silk Mill in France .

                                   I am tying them on loosely like this .

         They look so pretty ...... but it is time to pull those paper labels off !

 I,d like to hear how you organise your silk embroidery threads ? How do you make them work for you ?


  1. All looks great, what are you going to embroider.

    1. Hello ! Not sure if you have seen the crewelwork Anglo-Saxon Brooch that I did a little while back ....I want to do this again in silk threads..I know they wouldn't have had silk back then , but I want to bring it into the future :)
      I also have another crewel work piece on the go ... I,ll come to that later . Thanks for popping in ! x

  2. You are going to a great deal of care and thought with these threads. I just tend to use them as I do cottons! Can’t wait to see what you embroider with them.

    1. Hello , yes..because I dont want them to get tangled up ! I,ve been looking at a couple of vintage roll up silk thread wraps...complete with a gadget to pull the lengths of silk into the casing that I have..I might make one for storing my new silk cut lengths in when I have finished this project . When I use DMC cotton embroidery thread , I gently pull the thread from the skein , but these have to be cut into lengths ...What I meant was , I was wondering how other people store these cut lengths ? Oh ! I,m doing the Anglo Saxon brooch again :) Thanks for dropping in ! x


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Of Sea Monsters , Ships and Mermaids