Thursday, 1 February 2018

My Needlework Room

1 comment:

  1. It is pouring down outside...with icy rain . I,ve had flu..really bad flu ..too poorly to do any embroidery , more annoyingly , I broke a fingernail , whilst carrying in a load of fire wood , right the way down to the quick and had to cut all the others short to match it ! Very depressed about that ! Especially as I have been trying to get my hands in good order for stitching with silk thread .
    I thought I,d change the look of my embroidery journal , but it is so darned complicated , so please just bear with it for a while , I might just switch it back to how it was .
    I,m late in saying "Happy New Year" to you all and I cant believe it is February already !
    I thought I,d start off another year of my Needlework Journal by showing you a glimpse of my Needlework room .
    After I put the picture on , it wouldn't let me write underneath the picture in the normal way so , that's why I,m writing this in the comment section .
    Confused ? ..... Me too ! :) x


I always enjoy hearing from you and always do my best to reply .

Of Sea Monsters , Ships and Mermaids