Thursday, 20 July 2017

Medieval Prince

 This is a piece I,ve been working on over quite a long period of time, little by little, whenever I have had a few spare minutes .
I still have quite a bit to do on this before it is finished . I have made a cord for his belt , the horse will have pendants and  tassels..I might put some stars in the sky and there will be more flowers in the grass .

   With a goodly selection of shades in my bag  at all times , I moved about the linen , as my mood took me ....drawing on the animals in pencil as they came into my mind ...or were suggested to me by friends and even interested passers by .The Prince on his  horse with his crossbow , was from the cover of an old book , it was just an outline ,there was no colour picture of it so I was free to choose the colours . The inspiration for the animals came from 13th century illuminations .

                              Here are a few photos that I took along the way .

                                                    Lots of hiding creatures .

                        A Jay up in the tree..I think I later stitched a nest for her to sit in .

                                           Trout in the pool amongst the tree roots .

                I have made a cord for his belt sew on ..coming soon .

                       The trees  , I wanted to be similar to those in the Bayeux Tapestry .

At this stage I had no idea that I would eventually fill the whole of the linen cloth .

                                                           The startled Raven .

                                   Soft comforting crewel wool and beautiful colours .


 I didn't use a frame , I rarely do ..I don't mean ..never..just , only occasionally ..but not for this piece .

                                               My trusty chenille needle .

                                                       A dragon appears !

                             So many shades of green favourite colour !

                                        That Dragon again coming to life !

                I will return to this and I have plans for it ,  but now it is time to start something else ........


  1. I love it. You're inspiring me to get back to my own embroideries and needlepoint. I have so many projects half finished.

    1. Hello Katrina ,Yes ! That is wonderful ! Do you have a blog ? I love to see what you're all doing :) We all have those half finished projects don't we ...and I,ve been having a bit of a sort out ..sigh..they bring back happy memories..sometimes sad ...some are definitely worth finishing ..others of mine look strangely dated . When I,m feeling inspired ,I think that is the best time to start something new , Thankyou for dropping in and leaving me your kind message :) Daisy Debs xxx

    2. Oh ! I remember now ! You are Katrina of Katrina Pining for the West ! Love your blog ! :)


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Of Sea Monsters , Ships and Mermaids